Friday, August 11, 2006

Girly Girl.

So that last two days I have been a total girly girl. We are going to Nashville, to visit my sister and her family, on Thursday and I decided to get all kinds of primping done in celebration of our last summer vacation. Yesterday I got my haircut. I don't know why I don't do it more often (yes, I do. It is a pain to drive to the salon and it costs $50) because it always looks so much better after I get it cut. I always let it grow too long and shaggy and am always amazed at how much better groomed I look after a trim!

Today I went for a manicure and pedicure with a friend. I have been opposed to manis and pedis for a couple of years, after reading several articles about gross fungal infections, but she and I went last month (after she got a coupon in the mail) and we loved it. So, since I'm going away and my toes weren't in tip-top shape, we decided to go again. My purple toes, with white flowers and a blue crystals, look super-duper. And, the manicurist gives a really good manicure.

Then, after getting my fingers and toes done, I went to the aesthetician for my monthly (or so) grooming. I've gotten hooked on getting my eyebrows and bikini line waxed and now I hate when they are unruly. If I had unlimited funds I would do this all the time. In reality, I go every 6-8 weeks, depending on how I'm feeling and whether or not I'm up to spending money on something as silly as a bikini wax! I must admit though, I really love it. I haven't worked up to anything more than a basic wax but who knows I might be a convert and go to Brazil one of these days! And, today, for the first time I had my upper lip waxed. This is kind of personal but since only Kate, Jen and Ann read my blog I can write about it! I was a bit concerned because many months ago I asked the aesthetician about doing it and she said that many people get very, very red on their upper lip and that I shouldn't do it before going anywhere (to run errands, out that evening, etc). It was definitely very red when she did it. I was embarrassed when I paid and walked to the car but now, 1 1/2 hours later it looks perfectly fine...and smooth as a baby's butt! Boy, if I had unlimited funds I would be pampered from head to toe all the time. But for now, until I win the lottery, I'll have to settle for every couple of months.

Here's to feelin' glam!

Happy Friday!


Blogger kate said...

so i'm curious about the whole bikini wax thing. do you get bumpy? i've been thinking about this for a couple of summers now because i am less likely to make spontaneous trips to the beach because of the whole shaving nightmare. i've also heard it hurts like hell. myth or true? glad to get 2 posts in a week!

8:52 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

it hurts--but it really isn't that bad. it is totally worth it. i get a little bumpy and red afterward--but it doesn't last long.
yea, i can't do the shaving thing. i get way more bumpy and irritated and the hair is growing back the next day.
the more you bikini wax the finer and less the hair gets.
i just got a bikini wax, mani/pedi yesterday. so i am a girly girl, too. :)

11:21 AM  
Blogger Erica Kern O'Neill said...


It doesn't hurt too much just be sure to take 2 advil about a 1/2 hour before going and be sure, sure, sure to NOT go right before your period. I went on Thursday, which was one week before my period, and the aesthetician said that I will still be sensitive even a week before. Also, my eyebrows stung more than usual and she asked if I had used a toner before coming and I had in the morning! So, FYI, don't use a toner the same day as getting brows done.

Well, back to bikini, also don't take a shower right before going because your skin will be more sensitive.

I don't get any bumps and it is barely red. Yesterday (the day after) I was a bit sensitive so I wore cute boy shorts instead of my usual thong because the cut of the boy shorts doesn't bother me. Today I am perfectly fine.

One other thing, some people say that redheads are more sensitive but I don't know if that is myth or fact. Bottom line - don't go before your period, take some advil and don't shower right before and you will be fine. And, I think it gets easier and easier...or I'm getting more used to it.

Oh, and another thing, I guess there are two kinds of wax - hard wax and soft wax. The hard wax hardens to your skin and hair and is pulled off as is. The soft wax is removed by the aesthetician pressing a gauze strip down onto the wax and pulling it off. The woman I go to usually uses hard wax but she was out of town one time so I went to a different salon and that woman used soft wax. It didn't hurt at all (not at all!!!) because it adheres to the hair not the skin, but I found that it didn't last as long. However, when I went to my usual woman on Thursday she was beginning to use soft wax (since she didn't have enough hard heated up) and I told her that I found it didn't last as long and she said that she finds that a waxing using soft wax lasts longer! Hmmm. Very curious. She asked me to be sure to let her know. Ann, do you have any experience with this? If so let us know because, Kate, I think you can ask for which you want. Or, depending on your hair type (courseness, etc) the aesthetician will decide what is best for you.

Sorry for the novel! Hope it helps. Try it...if it is terrible you can always stop after one side. But, to be honest, I think you'll be a convert. Hey, look at Ann! : )

9:53 PM  
Blogger Erica Kern O'Neill said...


Glad I'm not the only girly-girl! : )

9:54 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

I totally forgot to warn about right before your period. I forgot and went one time, like 5 days before mine. It did hurt a lot more. But it was still manageable.
I am not sure what kind of wax my salon uses. But they use that strip to take rip the hair off. My skin is pretty sensitive so I am a little bumpy and red for a few days after.
And it gets easier every time. I didn't know the shower part either. But it makes sense. I like where I go, but communication is limited there. The women are good at everything there--manis/pedis, massage, facial, etc. But we don't talk much.
Anyway, if you try it Kate, make sure you do it a few days before you would wear a bathing suit or whatever--just to see how your skin reacts.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Curt said...

this thread sux.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Erica Kern O'Neill said...

Well, what are you (a boy!) doing reading it??? Plus, I heard from a little birdie that you are pro-bikini wax so I don't feel too funny about writing about it. However, if I knew you were reading it I probably would have left off the upper lip waxing thing! : )

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to wax, actually they use sugar, my whole nether region. Ass, thighs, balls, the whole shebang. Smooth balls.

5:00 PM  

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