Monday, June 19, 2006

So much news...

A bunch of little stuff to report...

I had a fun weekend with friends and good food. Saturday I met my friend, Michele, for a belated birthday celebration (very belated...her b-day was in February). We had a wonderful lunch at some new pub at Chandler Fashion Mall (yummy salad with mandarin oranges, strawberries, sliced chicken and candied nuts) and then we went to see "Over the Hedge." I would highly recommend you see this movie. It was so funny. Two thumbs up.

Saturday night Casey and I had dinner with Hope and Bitsy. We went to our favorite Thai restaurant, Swadee Thai (Hi Jen!) and had two wonderful appetizers and four excellent dishes. Then, because we weren't full enough, we hit Cold Stone Creamery. Yum!

Sunday we repented for our sins and worked out at the Y. I'm planning to join for the long, hot summer and the Y was offering a weeklong free membership so I've been trying it out and loving it. Yesterday was my best run yet. Almost 2.5 miles (mostly running with a bit of walking thrown in here and there). I started at 3.5 miles per hour and pushed myself to 6. I was really pushing it and feeling so good. Believe it or not, Ms. "I hate exercise" enjoys running and is looking forward to tomorrow's run. Can you believe that?!?

Sunday night consisted or more eating...Father's Day dinner with dad. We went to an Italian restaurant. My entree was disappointing but my pasta fagiola soup was to die for! (did I spell that correctly?)

And on to non-food news...

The other day a client said that he was trying to find the gallery and Googled me (wouldn't it have been easier to Google the gallery?). Anyhoo, he told me that I should Google myself because I'm listed as some artist somewhere or other. Well, I didn't find that, but I did find an Ericca Kern who is a body builder and an Erica Kern who is a model. But the stranger thing is that one entry was one of my posts from Ann's blog! It was so strange to see Ann's Blogger entry as a listing. If you haven't already done it lately, Google is kind of cool.

A friend of a friend recommended this skin care line called Arbonne. She told me about it because I have this discoloration on my face (called Melasma aka mask of, the next entry is NOT going to be that I am pregnant. It is just a hormonal thing) and her friend also has it and found that these products really help. Well, it turns out that this friend (Kari) sells these products a la Avon. I wasn't expecting the sales pitch and the push to try to get me to agree to start selling the products, but the woman is really nice so it was still pleasant to hang out with her for 40 minutes. And, she gave me a cosmetic case with samples (full-size bottles) of the whole skin care line (one of three lines) to try for 7 days. There are 7 (yes, 7!) products to use 2x per day, including a cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, night face cream and two others I can't remember. It is quite a is a good thing I'm not working full-time...I would never get to my job in time! But, my face feels much smoother and softer and better hydrated. I don't know if it looks any better but I'm toying with the idea of buying a few of the products. I won't buy all of them, and have no plans to become a rep (even if the top selling reps do get a white Mercedes of their choice!) but they seem to be pretty good products. Have any of you heard of them and have any feedback? I tried to find some info online but didn't have much luck.

I think that is all for now...


Blogger JenC said...

good for you in the gym! i just got back from working out... i finally went back this week after... hmm... months, probably! it feels good to go back, but it's still a drag to get myself over there when i could be being lazy at home.

1:08 PM  
Blogger JenC said...

this was the first thing that came up when i googled you... a model named erica kern. very jennifer-connoly-esque.

for me, the first couple are newspaper things that i've done, but there is one girl with the same name (believe it or not) who lives in virginia. this is her blog...

1:11 PM  
Blogger Erica Kern O'Neill said...


The other Jen's blog hurts my eyes! The colors aren't viewer friendly! I think I'll stick with MY Jen's website!

Good for you for getting back to the gym. It is so hard to get back after leaving which is why I really, really want to try to stick it out this time. I have never stuck it out...I hope this time will be different.

Let's get together sometime day when you aren't working nights or spending time with the kiddies.

3:30 PM  

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